Game Resources for Club Members
GDC Meetings/Tutorials: YouTube Channel
Unity Tutorials
Gamemaker 2 Tutorials / Getting Started
Recreating Asteroids - 5 part tutorial for creating your first game with either GML or Drag-and-Drop coding
Complete Platformer - Create a full fledged platformer
Unreal Engine 4 Tutorials
- Level Design/Basics
- Blueprints
- Creating Cutscenes
- More Cutscene Stuff
- Basic GUI/HUD for Collectables via Blueprints
PyGame Tutorials
- Download - Make sure to download the proper version of Pygame that matches your version of Python!
- The Basics - Sample Code
- Event Loop - Sample Code
- Starting Out
- Tile-Based Game
- PyGame Cheat Sheet
Java Game Development Tutorials
LibGDX Java Tutorial in written form and YouTube form
- LWJGL Java based game tutorial on a tower defense game
- Extensive list of game maker related tutorials, also pixel art and other related tutorials
Blender Tutorials
Art Tools
- Piskel - web based pixel art and animation tool
- Pixelart - web based pixel art
- Gimp - open source photoshop alternative
- Aesprite - pixel art creation tool with emphasis on animation
- Pyxel - pixel art creation tool
- MagicaVoxel - create 3d models in a pixel art way
- Blender - open source 3d model and animation tool
- ImageMagick - command line tool to allow editing and resizing of image files
Art Assets
- - great free art assets for use in prototyping or even finished products
Music Tools and Tutorials
- PyGame Music API
BeepBox - Easy to use online music production
- MuseScore - Music-writing software - Free music notation software
- Music Theory Website
Audio Tools
- BFXR - create electronic sounding special effect sounds
- Abundant Music - free tool to create chiptune music
Networking Tools
Student Offers
- Github Student Developer Pack - collection of a wide variety of tools available for students for free